
We remeasured the magnetic-field dependence of the low-temperature specific heat of the electron-doped superconductor Pr(1.85)Ce(0.15)CuO(4) (T(C)=22 +/- 2 K) under a different measurement procedure. Under field cooling, the electronic specific heat follows C(el)(H,T)=gamma(H)T from 4.5 K down to 1.8 K. In the field range H(C1)< H < 0.5H(C2), the Sommerfeld coefficient gamma(H) is well fit by a power law gamma(H)similar to H(1/2). This result suggests that the pairing symmetry is d-wave-like at all temperatures below 4.5 K. Our new measurement shows no evidence for the linear field dependence of gamma(H) found previously at T=2 K.

  • 出版日期2005-12