
To deeply explore the pharmacological activities of the Chinese truffle Tuber sinense (CT) in this study, three kinds of the crude polysaccharides from Chinese Truffle Tuber sinense (CTCP) were extracted by the method of water extracting-alcohol precipitating which include Water-soluble Polysaccharide (W-CTCP) and Alkali-soluble Polysaccharides (A-CTCPI, A-CTCPII) and then the polysaccharide content of the CTCP were determined. The antioxidant activities of the CTCPs were evaluated by reducing power, superoxide radical and hydroxyl radical free radical-scavenging assay. As the results, the polysaccharide (W-CTCP, A-CTCPI and A-CTCPII) content was 46.76, 74.05 and 57.68%, respectively. The polysaccharides all exhibited antioxidant activities in vitro and W-CTCP showed the strongest activity. It can be concluded that the polysaccharides extracted from CT should be explored as a potential natural antioxidant agent for use in functional foods or medicine.
