
When we consider the Internet of Things (IoT) society that all of the people and things are connected by the Internet and with each other and they can use the variety of services and applications, the development of sensing and communication technology is very important. As one of its key technologies, the visible light communication (VLC) has attracted attention in the point of ubiquity. In this paper, we propose a fine-grained VLC position detection system embedded in one-colored light using Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) projector for new location services in millimeters and report its concept and fundamental experiment using our prototype of the receiver module with Linux single-board computer, Raspberry Pi. In addition, we mention the future application using our system in a clothes shop. Our experimental results show that our system has high accuracy in millimeters and the potential to be more convenient in the future's location services using the VLC with the DMD projector. There was no trial to use a DMD projector as the illumination until now, but our study shows that the DMD projector has an availability of special modulated VLC illumination type beacon in the IoT age.

  • 出版日期2017