Apheresis in three dogs weighing %26lt; 14kg

作者:Posner Lysa P*; Willcox Jennifer L; Suter Steven E
来源:Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, 2013, 40(4): 403-409.


History CaridianBCT apheresis machines require a similar to 285mL priming volume (extracorporeal blood) that is withdrawn from the patient in similar to 10minutes. Therefore, apheresis in dogs has generally been limited to dogs %26gt; similar to 20kg to assure %26lt;20% of the blood volume is removed in the priming phase. Animals/physical examination Three dogs weighing %26lt;14kg (13.6, 10.5, and 9.9kg) with lymphoma that underwent apheresis. Management The dogs were premedicated for placement of apheresis catheters with hydromorphone (0.1mgkg-1) IM. Anesthesia was induced with propofol, to effect, intravenously and general anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane in oxygen. Following catheter placement, dogs were allowed to recover from isoflurane but were kept sedated with either a dexmedetomidine constant rate infusion (CRI) or a propofol CRI. Real time autologous blood priming was not performed in any of the dogs. Instead, priming solutions were composed of a combination of hetastarch, lactated Ringer%26apos;s solution, and/or autologous blood that was harvested 4days before the procedure. During apheresis, dogs received anticoagulant citrate-dextrose, solution-A (ACD-A) to prevent clotting and 10% calcium gluconate as needed to maintain normal ionized calcium concentrations. Dogs were monitored for cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary stability, anemia and lactic acidosis. Follow-up All of the dogs had cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary values within clinically acceptable ranges. Immediately following apheresis all of the dogs were mildly to moderately anemic (PCV; 17-35%) although none of the dogs required a transfusion or had an increased lactate concentration. Conclusions Dogs as small as 9.9kg can successfully undergo apheresis with a variety of priming solutions. Dexmedetomidine or propofol given as a CRI provides sufficient sedation for this procedure.