
Low-rise buildings often appear in clusters. Wind loads on low-rise buildings are affected by the surrounding buildings. According to a series of pressure measurements in wind tunnel test, the effects of area density, relative height and array pattern of surrounding buildings on the interference factor of maximum negative local wind pressure and the effect of maximum wind force on the entire roof of a surrounding building are studied. The test results indicate that the interference factors of maximum negative local wind pressure for most test cases are less than 1.0 except for cases with lower area density or smaller relative heights of the surrounding buildings. Wind force on the roof of surrounded buildings for all test cases is less than that of an isolated building. Interference factors of maximum negative local wind pressure and maximum wind force decrease with area density of surrounding buildings. These two interference factors decrease with relative heights of surrounding buildings when the relative heights are less than 1.0, and become insensitive to relative heights larger than 1.0. Based on above test data, two fitted equations of interference factors are provided for reference in design of low-rise buildings.

  • 出版日期2010
  • 单位同济大学; Tokyo Polytechnic University
