A new microscopic method to analyse desiccation-induced volume changes in aeroterrestrial green algae

作者:Lajos K; Mayr S; Buchner O; Blaas K; Holzinger A
来源:Journal of Microscopy, 2016, 263(2): 192-199.


<jats:title>Summary</jats:title><jats:p>Aeroterrestrial green algae are exposed to desiccation in their natural habitat, but their actual volume changes have not been investigated. Here, we measure the relative volume reduction (RV<jats:sub>RED</jats:sub>) in <jats:italic>Klebsormidium crenulatum</jats:italic> and <jats:italic>Zygnema</jats:italic> sp. under different preset relative air humidities (RH). A new chamber allows monitoring RH during light microscopic observation of the desiccation process. The RHs were set in the range of ∼4 % to ∼95% in 10 steps. RV<jats:sub>RED</jats:sub> caused by the desiccation process was determined after full acclimation to the respective RHs. In <jats:italic>K. crenulatum</jats:italic>, RV<jats:sub>RED</jats:sub> (mean ± SE) was 46.4 ± 1.9%, in <jats:italic>Zygnema</jats:italic> sp. RV<jats:sub>RED</jats:sub> was only 34.3 ± 2.4% at the highest RH (∼95%) tested. This indicates a more pronounced water loss at higher RHs in <jats:italic>K. crenulatum</jats:italic> versus <jats:italic>Zygnema</jats:italic> sp. By contrast, at the lowest RH (∼4%) tested, RV<jats:sub>RED</jats:sub> ranged from 75.9 ± 2.7% in <jats:italic>K. crenulatum</jats:italic> to 83.9 ± 2.2% in <jats:italic>Zygnema</jats:italic> sp. The final volume reduction is therefore more drastic in <jats:italic>Zygnema</jats:italic> sp. These data contribute to our understanding of the desiccation process in streptophytic green algae, which are considered the closest ancestors of land plants.</jats:p>

  • 出版日期2016-8