Decentralized Air Traffic Control in a High Density Corridor Subject to Separation Control Non-uniformity

作者:Takeichi Noboru*; Nakamura Yoichi; Fukuoka Keisuke
来源:Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 2013, 56(3): 153-158.


The characteristics of decentralized air traffic control in a high-density corridor subject to separation control non-uniformity are discussed. A high-density corridor is expected to be a one-way air traffic route where only aircraft equipped with airborne surveillance systems are allowed to fly in order to achieve airborne self separation. The air traffic behavior in a high-density corridor under a decentralized control strategy that achieves safe and efficient operation of the air traffic flow with the maximum traffic volume is investigated through numerical simulations. Each simulation result is evaluated in terms of safety and workload. The numerical simulations reveal that some non-uniformity in the aircraft control parameters cause severe conflict situations. It is also found that the aircraft behave collaboratively for the conflict resolution when the uniform distance to begin separation control and the uniform maneuver swiftness are applied. It is concluded that such collaborative separation control is the key to safe operation.