
Objective: To examine differences between gay, lesbian, and bisexual (GLB) and non-GLB university students in alcohol and other drug use (AOD) and related consequences as well as the relevance of violence, perceived safety, and stress to any such differences in AOD use and related concerns. Methods: A random representative sample of university students (n = 988) were recruited via email for an online survey. Linear regression models assessed associations between identifying as GLB and AOD use and related consequences. Results: Regression models (adjusted for gender) indicated that, in comparison to heterosexual students. GLB students were more likely to report recent illicit drug use (AOR=2.0; 95% Cl: 1.1-3.9), more frequent negative AOD consequences (beta=5.5, SE=1.4, p<0.0001), and having seriously thought about/attempted suicide due to AOD use in the past year (AOR = 6.6; 95% Cl: 3.0-14.3). Study findings also suggested that violence, safety, and stress variables partially contribute to ACID use and related concerns among GLB students. Conclusions: Findings highlight the need for future efforts to investigate and address mechanisms, including aspects of campus life, which contribute to AOD related risks among GLB students.