
In this communication, the design and implementation of a three-band substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) leaky-wave antenna (LWA) based on the composite right/left-handed (CRI,H) structure is presented. CRLH unit cell of the proposed antenna is composed of two adjacent interdigital slots with two vias between them. Two CRLII bands along with a new right-handed (RH) hand between them are achieved through this structure. The first CRLH band (7.1-10.75 GHz) is balanced and the second one (15.1-21.75 GlIz) is unbalanced with 0.25-GIIz stop hand. Beam scan angle in the first CRI,H hand is from 78 degrees to +78 degrees, in the second one from 40 degrees to +20 degrees and in the new Rh band (12.6 13.4 GlIz) from +22 degrees to +54 degrees. Antenna radiation efficiency in the first CRLH band is about 90%. Simulated and measured results are compared and there is a good agreement between them.

  • 出版日期2015-10