
OBJECTIVE. Peer review is an important and necessary part of radiology. There are several options to perform the peer review process. This study examines the reproducibility of peer review by comparing two scoring systems. MATERIALS AND METHODS. American Board of Radiology-certified radiologists from various practice environments and subspecialties were recruited to score deidentified examinations on a web-based PACS with two scoring systems, RADPEER and Cleareview. Quantitative analysis of the scores was performed for interrater agreement. RESULTS. Interobserver variability was high for both the RADPEER and Cleareview scoring systems. The interobserver correlations (kappa values) were 0.17-0.23 for RADPEER and 0.10-0.16 for Cleareview. Interrater correlation was not statistically significantly different when comparing the RADPEER and Cleareview systems (p = 0.07-0.27). The kappa values were low for the Cleareview subscores when we evaluated for missed findings (0.26), satisfaction of search (0.17), and inadequate interpretation of findings (0.12). CONCLUSION. Our study confirms the previous report of low interobserver correlation when using the peer review process. There was low interobserver agreement seen when using both the RADPEER and the Cleareview scoring systems.

  • 出版日期2016-12