
In this paper a few calcium-manganese oxides and calcium-manganese minerals are studied as catalysts for water oxidation. The natural mineral marokite is also studied as a catalyst for water oxidation for the first time. Marokite is made up of edge-sharing Mn3+ in a distorted octahedral environment and eight-coordinate Ca2+ centered polyhedral layers. The structure is similar to recent models of the oxygen evolving complex in photosystem II. Thus, the oxygen evolving complex in photosystem II does not have an unusual structure and could be synthesized hydrothermally. Also in this paper, oxygen evolution is studied with marokite (CaMn2O4), pyrolusite (MnO2) and compared with hollandite (Ba0.2Ca0.15K0.3Mn6.9Al0.2Si0.3O16), hausmannite (Mn3O4), Mn2O3.H2O, CaMn3O6.H2O, CaMn4O8.H2O, CaMn2O4.H2O and synthetic marokite (CaMn2O4). I propose that the origin of the oxygen evolving complex in photosystem II resulted from absorption of calcium and manganese ions that were precipitated together in the archean oceans by protocyanobacteria because of changing pH from similar to 5 to similar to 8-10. As reported in this paper, amorphous calcium-manganese oxides with different ratios of manganese and calcium are effective catalysts for water oxidation. The bond types and lengths of the calcium and manganese ions in the calcium-manganese oxides are directly comparable to those in the OEC. This primitive structure of these amorphous calcium-manganese compounds could be changed and modified by environmental groups (amino acids) to form the oxygen evolving complex in photosystem II.

  • 出版日期2011-6