
Although control of cellular function has classically been considered the responsibility of proteins, research over the last decade has elucidated many roles for RNA in regulation of not only the proteins that control cellular functions but also for the cellular functions themselves. In parallel to this advancement in knowledge about the regulatory roles of RNA there has been an explosion of knowledge about the role that epigenetics plays in controlling not only long-term cellular fate but also the short-term regulatory control of genes. Of particular interest is the crossover between these two worlds, a world where RNA can act out its part and subsequently elicit chromatin modifications that alter cellular function. Two main categories of RNA are examined here, non-coding RNA and antisense RNA both of which perform vital functions in controlling numerous genes, proteins and RNA itself. As the activities of non-coding and antisense RNA in both normal and aberrant cellular function are elucidated, so does the number of possible targets for pharmacopeic intervention.

  • 出版日期2011-11