
Military barracks throughout Taiwan produce large quantities of organic wastes from gardening, such as leaves, grass and flowers. By manipulating and observing the related parameters of the windrow composting process, the study seeks to find an optimum treatment method for plant wastes. Mature compost was used in small amounts as a fermenting source for each experimental sample. Results show that unpleasant smells that other composting methods produce is significantly decreased with effective control of relationships between temperature, saturation and turnover frequency. Furthermore, the time required to complete composting is shortened to 2-3 months. The fertility of the products depends on the original compost materials and the composting method. Through windrow composting, composted matter can reach a fertility level between that of soil and manure. Additionally, this process greatly reduces waste management costs because it utilizes the barrack's undeveloped area. Experiments in the barracks show that advantages of windrow composting include low facility investment, high environmental-friendliness, easy operation and low failure rate. Thus, it is particularly suitable for military barracks, institutions or schools with large open areas, highly green environments and plenty of labor.

  • 出版日期2007-8