
Accurate cancer biomarkers are needed for early detection, disease classification, prediction of therapeutic response and monitoring treatment. While there appears to be no shortage of candidate biomarker proteins, a major bottleneck in the biomarker pipeline continues to be their verification by enzyme linked immunosorbent assays. Multiple reaction monitoring (MRM), also known as selected reaction monitoring, is a targeted mass spectrometry approach to protein quantitation and is emerging to bridge the gap between biomarker discovery and clinical validation. Highly multiplexed MRM assays are readily configured and enable simultaneous verification of large numbers of candidates facilitating the development of biomarker panels which can increase specificity. This review focuses on recent applications of MRM to the analysis of plasma and serum from cancer patients for biomarker verification. The current status of this approach is discussed along with future directions for targeted mass spectrometry in clinical biomarker validation.

  • 出版日期2014-4