
This represents the first study of the soricid community from the Early Pliocene site of Langebaanweg (LBW) which is represented by four species, two of which belong to the soricid genus Myosorex (Forest shrew). Using geometric morphometrics the two Myosorex fossil species are compared with each other, and the extant western and eastern Cape species: Myosorex varius, M. cafer and M. longicaudatus. In addition, the results from an analysis of a number of non-metric characters and linear measurements on the fossil species are presented. The mandibles of the fossil species are characterized by extremely broad teeth, ascending rami which are relatively gracile and differ in shape and size from modern species, and the existence of a number of primitive features of the mandibles and teeth. This evidence is interpreted as indicating that the two LBW Myosorex species represent an archaic lineage now extinct in southern Africa.

  • 出版日期2011-2