Akt cross-links IL-4 priming, stem cell factor signaling, and IgE-dependent activation in mature human mast cells

作者:Feuser Katrin; Feilhauer Katharina; Staib Ludger; Bischoff Stephan C; Lorentz Axel*
来源:Molecular Immunology, 2011, 48(4): 546-552.


Challenge of human mast cells with both stem cell factor (SCF) and IL-4 enhances antigen-dependent mediator release raising the assumption of intracellular crosstalk between the IL-4, SCF, and Fc epsilon RI signaling pathways. Here, we analyzed the intracellular crosstalk of IL-4-, SCF-, and IgE-dependent activation pathways in mucosal mast cells isolated from human intestine. The release of beta-hexosaminidase, leukotriene C(4), and IL-8, but not IL-6, was strongly enhanced in response to sequential challenge of mast cells with IL-4, SCF and Fc epsilon RI cross-linking compared to stimulation by Fc epsilon RI cross-linking alone. Previous studies revealed that MAPK and other serine/threonine kinases are involved in mast cell activation processes. Here we found that activation of mast cells by Fc epsilon RI cross-linking alone results in phosphorylation of ERK and p38, but not of Akt. Stimulation with SCF alone also induced phosphorylation of ERK and p38, and additionally of Akt. IL-4 priming enhanced activation of ERK, but blocked activation of p38. Activation of p38 was required for IL-6 production explaining the inhibitory effect of IL-4 on IL-6 expression in human mast cells. Moreover. IL-4 priming that anteceded Fc epsilon RI cross-linking induced activation of Akt. The combined challenge of mast cells with IL-4, SCF and Fc epsilon RI cross-linking substantially up-regulated activation of Akt, whereas blocking of Akt inhibited the pronounced production and release of IL-8 in response to the three mast cell agonists. In summary, our data demonstrate that ERK, p38, and especially Akt play an important role in cross-linking IL-4 priming, SCF signaling, and IgE-dependent activation of mature human mast cells.