
This study proposes a novel structure for designing a simple triple-band bandpass filter. This filter structure consists of two sets of coupled lines with the same line width plus two sections of open stubs and three transmission line sections of a single line width. The design and fabrication of the overall circuit structure are innovative and simple. The third resonance frequency (f3 of 8.9 GHz) was shifted to a lower frequency (6.5 GHz) by lengthening the two open stubs. The second resonance frequency (f2 of 4.2 GHz) can be adjusted using the transmission line gap size. The first resonance frequency (f1 of 2.4 GHz) can be adjusted using the coupled line length. These filters were simulated using the IE3D full-wave electromagnetic simulator, and the prototype of the bandpass filter was fabricated and measured. Comparisons of the simulated results and experimental data are presented. The findings show that the simulated results can match actual measured results.

  • 出版日期2013-5
