
Project EVA (2007-2009) was adopted following the call 2006 ANR-TECSAN. It was led by the Laboratory of Imagery Parametric, and carried out in partnership with the Vermon company and the team 5 of U930 (INSERM). Its objective was to conceive, develop and validate a device of ultrasonic axial transmission with multimode analysis. The goal was to increase the predictive value of the risk of fracture of the existing devices and to evaluate risk factors like the cortical thickness. The strategy selected to give access to a multimode approach is an original technique of treatment of the signal which rests on sensors multi-transmitters and multi-receivers. The automatic procedure of acquisition was implemented in a new device. The second objective, the determination of the bone properties starting from the multimode approach, saw the implementation of an original technique of data processing, which exploits the space and frequential diversity of ultrasonic multi-element systems broad band in emission and reception. This technique was patented in 2009.

  • 出版日期2010-5
