Supermassive black hole mass regulated by host galaxy morphology

作者:Watabe Y*; Kawakatu N; Imanishi M; Takeuchi T T
来源:Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2009, 400(4): 1803-1807.


We investigated the relationship between supermassive black hole (SMBH) mass and host starburst luminosity in Seyfert galaxies and Palomar-Green quasi-stellar objects, focusing on the host galaxy morphology. Host starburst luminosity was derived from the 11.3 mu m polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon luminosity. We found that the SMBH masses of elliptical-dominated host galaxies are more massive than those of disc-dominated host galaxies statistically. We also found that the SMBH masses of disc-dominated host galaxies seem to be suppressed even under increasing starburst luminosity. These findings imply that final SMBH mass is strongly regulated by host galaxy morphology. This can be understood by considering the radiation drag model as the SMBH growth mechanism, taking into account the radiation efficiency of the host galaxy.