
The kappa-E2 sequence binding proteins, E12 and E47, are generated by alternative splicing of the E2A gene, giving closely related basic and helix-loop-helix structures crucial for DNA binding and dimerization. Measurements of dimerization constants and binding strengths to the optimal DNA sequence (the kappa-E2 site or its near relatives) showed that E47 homodimers and MyoD heterodimers with E12 or E47 dimerized and bound avidly, but E12 homodimerized efficiently and bound to DNA poorly; MyoD homodimerized poorly and bound strongly. An inhibitory domain N-terminal to the basic region of E12 prevents E12 homodimers but not E12/MyoD heterodimers from binding to DNA. Thus, E47 binds to DNA both as a heterodimer with MyoD and as a homodimer, while E12 and MyoD bind to DNA efficiently only as heterodimers.

  • 出版日期1991-1-25