
This paper is intended to highlight the need for diabetes healthcare professionals to better address psychosocial issues in diabetes by summarizing selective evidence that identifies the important psychosocial needs and issues of those living with diabetes. The main purpose of this paper is to draw the attention of Canadian diabetes professionals to a specific international psychosocial initiative called the Diabetes Attitudes, Wishes and Needs (DAWN) program. The DAWN program began with the DAWN study, a large-scale psychosocial study conducted at an international level but not including Canada. This is a relevant study for 2 reasons. First, the results of DAWN can guide Canadian diabetes healthcare providers by virtue of the fact that multiple knowledge translation tools have been developed and can be directly accessed by Canadian providers. Second, DAWN2, a follow-up study, has recently been launched and Canada is one of 18 participating countries. Increasing the awareness of Canadian diabetes healthcare providers about the results of DAWN and the launch of DAWN2 can further advance knowledge translation for the management of psychosocial factors in diabetes.

  • 出版日期2012-8