
In the conventional method, industrial discharges are monitored by conducting water quality analysis at selected locations. This process is expensive, time consuming and involves lot of Man power. Remote sensing is an Ideal tool for monitoring wastewater quality, as the satellite data gathers data easily, cost effectively and repeatedly over the earth. The present contribution examines the prediction of tannery effluent characteristics from, their spectral radiance measurements. A. common, effluent treatment plant near Chennai, which treats the effluent from a group of tanneries, was chosen for the study. With a spectro-radiometer, the spectral reflectance of tannery effluent in the wavelengths between 450 and 1000 nm were Measured. Regression, equations, were developed between the spectral radiance and the effluent characteristics. The equations can be used to estimate the characteristics of tannery effluent form satellite data with Minted field checks. The approach paves way for a cost effective alternate Means of monitoring not only tannery effluent other wastewaters.

  • 出版日期2013-7
