
All cells of living organisms contain complex transport systems based on molecular motors which enable movement on their polymer filaments. Molecular motors are responsible for various dynamical processes for transporting single molecules over small distances to cell movement and growth. Molecular motors are far more complex than any motors that have yet been artificially constructed. Molecular motors are ideal nanomotors because of their small size, perfect structure, smart and high efficiency. Recent advances in understanding how molecular motors work has raised the possibility that they might find applications as nanorobots. Constructing of biomimetic nanorobots and nanomachines that perform specific tasks is a long-term goal of nanobiotechnology. Thus, in this paper we have summarized some of potential applications of molecular motors. Our reviewing of potential applications of molecular motors indicates that these extraordinary systems can be had potential applications in nanorobots, nanodevices and nanomedicine. This review indicate that molecular motors might be the key to yet unsolved applications in vast variety of sciences that are only imagined today.

  • 出版日期2009-12