
Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus surfacing behaviour was investigated in Minas Basin (45 degrees 20 N; 64 degrees 00 W) and the Bay of Fundy with pop-up satellite archival tags (MiniPAT) measuring physical variables (pressure, temperature, light). Of six tags deployed during June and July, five provided pop-up locations and two were recovered after c. 4months. Analysis of recovered archival data revealed that the frequency of surfacing events was highest (789%) when A. oxyrinchus were in Minas Basin at depths <10m. Surfacing frequency decreased substantially when fish migrated into greater depths of the Bay of Fundy (>40m). The tidal cycle in Minas Basin had a significant relationship to surfacing frequency, with the most surfacing events (495%) occurring on the flood tide, from mid- to high-tide. Surfacing events ranged from 0-12 a day and the maximum number occurred between 2300 and 0300hours. Maximum surfacing ascent speeds ranged from 050 to 417ms(-1) and maximum descent speeds ranged from 017 to 317ms(-1). Buoyancy control, by gulping air to inflate the gas bladder, is proposed as the main reason for surfacing behaviour in A. oxyrinchus.

  • 出版日期2018-4
