
This paper is a complete study of almost alpha-paracosymplectic manifolds. Basic properties of such manifolds are obtained and general curvature identities are proved. The manifolds with para-Kaehler leaves are characterized. It is proved that, for dimensions greater than 3, almost alpha-paracosymplectic manifolds are locally conformal to almost paracosymplectic manifolds and locally D-homothetic to almost para-Kenmotsu manifolds. Furthermore, it is proved that characteristic (Reeb) vector field xi is harmonic on almost alpha-para-Kenmotsu manifold if and only if it is an eigenvector of the Ricci operator. It is showed that almost alpha-para-Kenmotsu (kappa, mu, nu)-space has para-Kaehler leaves. 3-dimensional almost alpha-para-Kenmotsu manifolds are classified. As an application, it is obtained that 3-dimensional almost alpha-para-Kenmotsu manifold is (kappa, mu, nu)-space on an every open and dense subset of the manifold if and only if Reeb vector field is harmonic. Furthermore, examples are constructed.

  • 出版日期2015-2