A probabilistic approach for design and certification of self-healing advanced composite structures

作者:Williams H R*; Trask R S; Bond I P
来源:Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability , 2011, 225(O4): 435-449.


Design and certification of novel self-healing aerospace structures was explored by reviewing the suitability of conventional deterministic certification approaches. A sandwich structure with a vascular network self-healing system was used as a case study. A novel probabilistic approach using a Monte Carlo method to generate an overall probability of structural failure yields notable new insights into design of self-healing systems, including a drive for a faster healing time of less than two flight hours. In the case study considered, a mature self-healing system could be expected to reduce the probability of structural failure (compared to a conventional damage-tolerant construction) by almost an order of magnitude. In a risk-based framework this could be traded against simplified maintenance activity (to save cost) and/or increased allowable stress (to allow a lighter structure). The first estimate of the increase in design allowable stresses permitted by a self-healing system is around 8 per cent, with a self-healing system much lighter than previously envisaged. It is thought these methods and conclusions could have wider application to self-healing and conventional high-performance composite structures.