
Two novel algorithms called AERO (aware of energy residue oriented) and free-AERO are proposed in this work. They are adopted in boosting the anonymity of a mobile base station (BS) and prolonging the overall lifetime of WSN (wireless sensor network). Without including in our proposed is the trivial one fixed-BS. Generally, BS play an important role of gathering data from all sensor nodes deployed over a wide WSN region. Thus, not only the BS location can be protected accordingly by the calculation of obtained data, but it makes more difficult for a malicious entity to violate the network. To complete the aforementioned objectives are the primary motivation of the proposed algorithms. On the other hand, the contribution of the proposed two algorithms is both going to boost BS anonymity and to prolong network lifetime for a WSN. Entropy and GSAT test are adopted as the criteria in system performance comparison for the deployment of AERO and free-AERO algorithms. Two scenarios with 3 x 3 and 5 x 5 cells are conducted in the simulation. Experimental results show that the proposed methods definitely boost BS anonymity and greatly prolong the network lifetime very well. Several results are illustrated and compared to previous studies for validation. When the scale of the nodes in the network becomes larger (i.e., as much as double), the method becomes more effective. The frequency of BS movement can also be adjusted with different values, 30 min, 60 min, or 90 min, to improve BS anonymity as needed.

  • 出版日期2014-12
