
Eunapius conifer is reported for the first time from Singapore, extending its distribution significantly south to the equator from China. The identity of E. conifer has been confusing and uncertain since Annandale described the species in 1916 from Tai Hu near Shanghai, China. Smooth gemmuloscleres (oxeas), 65-115 mu m in length, and gemmules, 250-350 mu m in diameter, are characteristic of type material which do not agree with Annandale's original description, where it was stated that gemmules were not more than 140 mu m in diameter and short, spiny gemmuloscleres were 30 mu m in length. We conclude that Annandale's original description of E. conifer is in error and we provide a redescription based on type material as well as living specimens from Singapore. The latter specimens also constitute the first record of freshwater sponge from Singapore.

  • 出版日期2013-8-30