
The superficial muscle group of the posterior compartment of leg forms a powerful muscular mass in the calf. The two-headed gastrocnemius is the most superficial muscle of this group, and forms the proximal, most prominent part of the calf. Gastrocnemius muscle exhibits numerous variations in the origin and/or insertion. The present report describes the incidental occurrence of the third/accessory head of gastrocnemius muscle in the left lower limb. During routine educational dissection of a 54-year old American female cadaver in the Anatomy lab of the Medical University of the Americas, Nevis, West Indies, we found an unusual 10.8 cm long muscle in the left popliteal region, attached proximally to the lateral aspect of the popliteal surface of femur, and distally terminated as a tendon which was attached at the junction of the medial and lateral heads of gastrocnemius muscle. No such variation was found on the right side. This is described as a case of third / accessory head of gastrocnemius muscle. El grupo muscular superficial del compartimento posterior de la pierna forma una poderosa masa muscular. El m迆sculo gastrocnemio de dos cabezas es el m芍s superficial de este grupo y forma la parte proximal, m芍s prominente de la pantorrilla. El m迆sculo gastrocnemio presenta numerosas variaciones en el origen y/o inserci車n. El informe describe la presencia de una tercera/accesoria cabeza del m迆sculo gastrocnemio, encontrada. durante una disecci車n de rutina en un cad芍ver de una mujer americana de 54 a os, en el Laboratorio de Anatom赤a de la Medical University of the Americas, Nevis, West Indies. La variaci車n muscular inusual med赤a 10,8 cm de longitud y se originaba en la regi車n popl赤tea izquierda, proximalmente en la cara lateral de la superficie popl赤tea del f谷mur, y se insertaba en un tend車n que se adher赤a a la uni車n de las cabezas medial y lateral del m迆sculo gastrocnemio. La variaci車n no se encontr車 en el lado derecho. Este hallazgo se describe como un caso de tercera/accesoria cabeza del m迆sculo gastrocnemio.
