Differentiation of mast cell subpopulations from mouse embryonic stem cells

作者:Westerberg Christine Moller*; Ulleras Erik; Nilsson Gunnar
来源:Journal of Immunological Methods, 2012, 382(1-2): 160-166.


Mast cells can generally be divided into two major groups, connective tissue mast cells and mucosal mast cells. We and others have previously shown that these mast cell populations can be developed in vitro from mouse bone marrow stem cells using a combination of specific growth factors and cytokines. Mast cell differentiation from mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells is an important altemative method when developing mast cells from an embryonic lethal genetic deficiency or to reduce the use and handling of experimental animals. In this study, we have used protocols prior known to induce connective tissue like mast cells (CTLMC) (SCF and IL-4) and mucosal like mast cells (MLMC) (SCF, IL-3, IL-9 and TGF-beta) from mouse bone marrow progenitor cells and employed these protocols to study if phenotype specific mast cells can be developed from ES cells. We here demonstrate that mast cells of the different phenotypes, CTLMC and MLMC, can be derived from mouse ES cells. The mast cell populations were characterized by chymase expression, receptor expression and their difference in activation pattern and in activation-induced survival.

  • 出版日期2012-8-31