
This article provides two complementary detailed derivations of Cachazo-Svrcek-Witten-style Feynman rules for Yang-Mills gauge theory coupled to a massive coloured scalar as presented in earlier work. These proceed through a direct canonical transformation method on space-time and through a gauge transformation in an action constructed on twistor space. It is shown explicitly that the field transformations are identical in both cases. Some simple tree-level examples of our rules are given and we comment on the application of them to the calculation of the rational part of one-loop pure glue amplitudes. A possible direct quantum completion of pure glue CSW rules based on dimensional regularisation motivated by these results is sketched. Finally, it is shown how to derive CSW rules for effective Higgs-gluon and Higgs-matter couplings proposed in the literature directly from the action. This derivation yields additional towers of vertices which generate a subset of the contributions to effective multi-Higgs scattering amplitudes.

  • 出版日期2008-7