
We provide a general formula for the partition function of three-dimensional N = 2 gauge theories placed on S-2 x S-1 with a topological twist along S-2, which can be interpreted as an index for chiral states of the theories immersed in background magnetic fields. The result is expressed as a sum over magnetic fluxes of the residues of a meromorphic form which is a function of the scalar zero-modes. The partition function depends on a collection of background magnetic fluxes and fugacities for the global symmetries. We illustrate our formula in many examples of 3d Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons theories with matter, including Aharony and Giveon-Kutasov dualities. Finally, our formula generalizes to Q-backgrounds, as well as two-dimensional theories on S-2 and four-dimensional theories on S-2 X T-2. In particular this provides an alternative way to compute genus-zero A-model topological amplitudes and Gromov-Witten invariants.

  • 出版日期2015-7-23