
In a farrowing farm 2 first parity sows aborted on day 95 and day 110 of gestation due to an infection with leptospira and chlamydia. The double infection was diagnosed by PCR examination of abortion material. Serum samples of both sows and additional 8 sows taken three weeks after abortions were sent to two different labs for serological examination for antibodies against leptospira and chlamydia using a microagglutination test and a complement fixation test, respectively. In both labs the tests for antibodies against chlamydia were negative. Titers against diverse leptospira serovars varied between both labs and were low, so that they were not indicative for the involvement of the two pathogens regarding abortion. This case report indicates the diagnostic difficulties of direct and indirect detection methods for leptospira and chlamydia to assess the impact of these pathogens on observed reproductive failure.

  • 出版日期2018-8
