
In this paper, we present an adaptive method that is a combination of SEU-avoidance in CAD flow and adaptive redundancy to tolerate soft error effects in SRAM-based FPGAs. This method is based on the modification of T-VPack and VPR tools. Three different steps of these tools are modified for SEU-awareness: (1) clustering, (2) placement and (3) routing. Then we use the unused resources as redundancy. We have investigated the effect of this method on several MCNC benchmarks. This investigation has been performed using three experiments: (1) SEU-awareness in clustering with redundancy, (2) SEU-awareness in clustering and placement with redundancy and (3) SEU-awareness in clustering, placement and routing with redundancy. With a confidence level of 95%, the results show that, using each of these three experiments, the system failure rate of ten MCNC circuits has been decreased between 4.52% and 10.42%, between 10.25% and 21.63%, and between 10.48% and 24.39%, respectively.

  • 出版日期2011-12
