
By optimizing the periods along the x and y axes of conducting inductive meshes with periodic rectangle units to minimize the differences in microwave reflectivity between the perpendicular and parallel polarizations, conducting inductive meshes with periodic rectangle units can be made useful as an infrared/microwave beamsplitter for the construction of a dual-mode detecting system. A conducting inductive rectangle-unit mesh beamsplitter is designed and fabricated using a laser directing writing technique. The microwave reflectivity and infrared transmissivity coefficients of the mesh beamsplitter sample are measured using a scalar network analyzer and a Fourier infrared spectrometer. Measurement and simulation results indicate that the microwave reflectivity and infrared transmissivity coefficients of infrared/microwave mesh beamsplitter are higher than -1.5 dB and -0.7 dB, respectively. It can therefore be concluded that conducting inductive meshes with periodic rectangle units can be used as an infrared/microwave beamsplitter in a dual-mode detecting system.
