
Prebiotics are defined as nondigestible food ingredients that can stimulate the growth of one or more beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. The Biolex (R) MB40 is a commercial prebiotic that contains mannanoligosaccharides. The aims of this study were to evaluate the effects of prebiotic Biolex (R) MB40 on cecal microbiota of conventionally raised chickens using PCR-based denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and assessing Salmonella prevalence. Chickens were randomly selected and distributed into three groups; a negative control (NC) and two treatment groups (T1 and T2). The NC group was fed a non-medicated feed, while the treatment groups were fed either T1 or T2, 0.05% antibiotic (BMD50) or 0.2% Biolex (R) MB40 respectively. During the study, cecal contents and bird feed were plated on selective media for Salmonella, yeast and mold prevalence analysis. Ten chickens from each group were randomly selected at 1, 2, 4 and 6 wk and ceca were extracted for DNA isolation for PCR-based DGGE. Also, short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) were analyzed from collected cecal material by gas chromatography. Only 4.2% of the samples were Salmonella positive. Presence of class 1 integron from cecal material were analyzed by PCR and 97.5% of the cecal samples were positive for integron presence, but no class I integrons were detected in the Salmonella isolates. According to the PCR-based DGGE analysis, the T2 group exhibited a cecal microbial population pattern that was similar to the T1 group prior to wk 4 and the T2 group appeared to be almost identical with the NC group after wk 4 but T2 exhibited less Bacteroides rodentium prior to wk 4. Overall results showed that the commercial prebiotic, MB40 did not lead to a detectable reduction of Salmonella but the general frequency of Salmonella was minimal in all treatments. However, feeding an MB40 supplement did result in similar DGGE band patterns as the T1 group indicating that cecal microbiotia were potentially similar in these 2 groups. Overall, it appears that MB40 (T2) exhibited similar DGGE-cecal population patterns as BMD50 (T1) which suggests that these treatments may have influenced the populations in a comparable fashion.

  • 出版日期2016-1