Kinetic consideration for the incubation of the phase transformation and its application to the crystallization of amorphous alloy

作者:Wang Dongjiang; Liu Yongchang*; Han Yajing; Zhang Yanhua; Gao Zhiming
来源:Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing, 2008, 92(3): 703-707.


Though much progress has been made on the phase transformation kinetics model, little attention has been paid to the incubation reaction before the transformation initiates. In this study, the kinetics characteristics of the incubation time during isothermal reaction and the onset temperature during isochronal one are indicated. A model is established with the consideration of the incubation time corresponding to its annealing temperature during the isothermal case and the onset temperature corresponding to its heating rate during the isochronal case, from which a correlation between the incubation time and the onset temperature can be drawn. Finally, the proposed model has been applied well to the crystallization of Mg65Cu25Y10 amorphous alloy.