
To explore the flow characteristics of healing agent leaving a vascular network and infusing a damage site within a fibre reinforced polymer composite, a numerical model of healing agent flow from an orifice has been developed using smoothed particle hydrodynamics. As an initial validation the discharge coefficient for low Reynolds number flow from a cylindrical tank is calculated numerically, using two different viscosity formulations, and compared to existing experimental data. Results of this comparison are very favourable; the model is able to reproduce experimental results for the discharge coefficient in the high Reynolds number limit, together with the power-law behaviour for low Reynolds numbers. Results are also presented for a representative delamination geometry showing healing fluid behaviour and fraction filled inside the delamination for a variety of fluid viscosities. This work provides the foundations for the vascular self-healing community in calculating not only the flow rate through the network, but also, by simulating a representative damage site, the final location of the healing fluid within the damage site in order to assess the improvement in local and global mechanical properties and thus healing efficiency.

  • 出版日期2015-3