
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a stochastic population based optimization algorithm which has attracted attentions of many researchers. This method has great potentials to be applied to many optimization problems. Despite its robustness the standard version of PSO has some drawbacks that may reduce its performance in optimization of complex structures such as laminated composites. In this paper by suggesting a new variation scheme for acceleration parameters and inertial weight factors of PSO a novel optimization algorithm is developed to enhance the basic version%26apos;s performance in optimization of laminated composite structures. To verify the performance of the new proposed method, it is applied in two multi-objective design optimization problems of laminated cylindrical. The numerical results from the proposed method are compared with those from two other conventional versions of PSO-based algorithms. The convergancy of the new algorithms is also compared with the other two versions. The results reveal that the new modifications in the basic forms of particle swarm optimization method can increase its convergence speed and evade it from local optima traps. It is shown that the parameter variation scheme as presented in this paper is successful and can evenfind more preferable optimum results in design of laminated composite structures.

  • 出版日期2012-5-10