Embedding theorems for classes of GBL-algebras

作者:Jipsen P*; Montagna F
来源:Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2010, 214(9): 1559-1575.


The poser product construction is used to derive embedding theorems for several classes of generalized basic logic algebras (GBL-algebras). In particular it is shown that every n-potent GBL-algebra is embedded in a poset product of finite n-potent MV-chains, and every normal GBL-algebra is embedded in a poset product Of totally ordered GMV-algebras. Representable normal GBL-algebras have poset product embeddings where the poser is a root system. We also give a Conrad-Harvey-Holland-style embedding theorem for commutative GBL-algebras, where the poset factors are the real numbers extended with -infinity. Finally, an explicit construction of a generic Commutative GBL-algebra is given, and it is shown that every normal GBL-algebra embeds in the conucleus image of a GMV-algebra.

  • 出版日期2010-9