
Let K be a field, and a finitely generated K-algebra with the PBW K-basis. It is shown that if L is a nonzero left ideal of A with GK.dim(A/L)=d<n (= the number of generators of A), then L has the elimination property in the sense that V(U)L{0} for every subset with In terms of the structural properties of A, it is also explored when the condition GK.dim(A/L)<n may hold for a left ideal L of A. Moreover, from the viewpoint of realizing the elimination property by means of Grobner bases, it is demonstrated that if A is in the class of binomial skew polynomial rings or in the class of solvable polynomial algebras, then every nonzero left ideal L of A satisfies GK.dim(A/L)< GK.dimA=n (= the number of generators of A), thereby L has the elimination property.
