
Beyond third-generation (3G) wireless systems will support real-time (inelastic) and nonreal-time (elastic) traffic over a common packet-switched radio channel using quality-of-service (QoS) mechanisms to differentiate the traffic. A key challenge in accurately modeling user and system performances is to be able to simultaneously account for the impacts of mixed traffic types, QoS mechanisms, and varying radio channels. This paper presents a novel way of extending and combining a number of techniques into a single approximate analytic methodology for providing fast and accurate performance analysis of multiple inelastic-and elastic-traffic classes, which is subject to preemptive priority for the inelastic traffic. The methodology is compared with the simulation for a range of guaranteed bit-rate requirements for the inelastic traffic and overall system traffic loads, with the results showing excellent agreement between the model and simulation.

  • 出版日期2013-6
