
For any alpha < 1/3, we construct weak solutions to the 3D incompressible Euler equations in the class CtCx alpha that have nonempty, compact support in time on R x T-3 and therefore fail to conserve the total kinetic energy. This result, together with the proof of energy conservation for alpha > 1/3 due to [Eyink] and [Constantin, E, Titi], solves Onsager's conjecture that the exponent alpha = 1/3 marks the threshold for conservation of energy for weak solutions in the class (LtCx alpha)-C-infinity. The previous best results were solutions in the class CtCx alpha for a < 1/5, due to [Isett], and in the class (LtCx alpha)-C-1 for a < 1/3 due to [Buckmaster, De Lellis, Szekelyhidi], both based on the method of convex integration developed for the incompressible Euler equations by [De Lellis, Szekelyhidi]. The present proof combines the method of convex integration and a new "Gluing Approximation" technique. The convex integration part of the proof relies on the "Mikado flows" introduced by [Daneri, Szekelyhidi] and the framework of estimates developed in the author's previous work.

  • 出版日期2018-11