
A planar broadband antenna with a center frequency of 81.75 GHz is proposed in this communication, which is composed by an open-ended pentagonal slot etched on the broad surface of a substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) and a short circuited metallic via inserted inside the ring slot. The broadband SIW 180 degrees phase-shifter and the SIW power-divider are deployed in the design to implement the beam-forming network. As a demonstration, a 2 x 8 array is designed on a 0.5 mm thick Rogers5880 substrate, and fabricated by using the low-cost printed circuit board process. Experiments are carried out to verify the design, which show that the measured antenna has a 10 dB return loss bandwidth from 77 to 86. 5 GHz, that is, the fractional bandwidth of 11.6%. The proposed antenna is a promising candidate for the E-band high-speed wireless communication system.