Automatic Generation of High-Speed Accurate TLM Models for Out-of-Order Pipelined Bus

作者:Lo Chen Kang*; Li Mao Lin; Chen Li Chun; Lu Yi Shan; Tsay Ren Song; Huang Hsu Yao; Yeh Jen Chieh
来源:ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 2013, 13: 37.


Although pipelined/out-of-order (PL/OO) execution features are commonly supported by the state-of-the-art bus designs, no existing manual Transaction-Level-Modeling (TLM) approaches can effectively construct fast and accurate simulation models for PL/OO buses. Mainly, the inherent high design complexity of concurrent PL/OO behaviors makes the manual approaches tedious and error-prone. To tackle the complicated modeling task, this article presents an automatic approach that performs systematic abstraction and generation of fast-and-accurate simulation models. The experimental results show that our approach reduces 21 times modeling efforts, while our generated models perform simulation an order of magnitude faster than Cycle-Accurate models with the same PL/OO transaction execution cycle counts preserved.
