A new insight into structural complexity in ferroelectric ceramics

作者:Zeng, Weidong; Li, Qingning; Zhou, Changrong*; Xu, Jiwen; Yuan, Changlai; Chen, Guohua
来源:Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2017, 6(3): 262-268.


The structure of the ferroelectrics has been widely studied in order to pursuing the origin of high electromechanical responses. However, some experiments on structure of ferroelectrics have yielded different results. Here, we report that the controversial phase structure is due to the adaptive diffraction of nanodomains which hides the natural crystal structure, and the electric-field-induced phase transition is that the natural crystal structure reappears due to the coalescent nanodomains or ordering nanodomains by applying a high electric field. The temperature dependence of dielectric constant with different measurement frequencies and X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of unpoled, poled, and annealing after poled ceramics in Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-BaTiO3 (BNT-BT) ceramics authenticate the statement. These results provide a new insight into the origin of structural complexity in ferroelectric ceramics, which is related to the key role of nanodomains.