
In Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs), Primary Users (PUs) can share their idle spectra with Secondary Users (SUs) under certain mechanisms. In this paper, we propose a distributed-centralized and incentive-aware spectrum sharing scheme for the multiple-PU scenario, which introduces a Random Leader who is elected randomly from SUs or PUs. The distributed aspect of our scheme lies in that it requires no central control entities, which can be independently implemented within a distributed spectrum market. The centralized aspect is that the leader draws up and assigns the socially optimal contracts for all PUs and SUs in a centralized manner, which maximizes the throughput of the whole network and attains the economic robustness (including Incentive Compatibility and Individual Rationality). Analysis shows that the proposed scheme takes in the advantages of both centralized and distributed schemes but overcomes their weaknesses. We use the proposed scheme to study two sharing scenarios: the short-term and the long-term spectrum sharing. The Short-Term Sharing (STS) focuses on distributing PUs' idle spectra within one time slot while the Long-Term Sharing (LTS) considers multiple slots, where the spectrum mobility must be investigated. As an integrated design of both STS and LTS, our scheme not only fulfils SUs' heterogeneous spectrum requirements but also obtains the socially optimal throughput while accounting for both SUs' and PUs' incentives.