
The minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) or 23 Treponema phagedenis-like spirochetes isolated from dairy cattle with papillomatous digital del mantis (PDD) lesions in Japan were investigated by a broth microdilution method using 15 antimicrobial agents Although all MIC values showed a monomodal distribution the MICs of the antimiciobial agents for 90% (MIC(90)) of the isolates tested varied among the agents examined The MIC(90) values for penicillin C. ampicillin. and erythromycin were <0 06 mu u/ml In contrast, the MIC(90) values for kanamycin, streptomycin, rifampicin. sulfamethoxazole. trimethoprim. and colistin were >128 mu g/ml Oxytetracycline. lincomycin. enrofloxacin. chloramphenicol, ceftifur. and gentamicin showed intermediate values. ie. 0 5 similar to 32 mu g/ml The present study suggested that no isolate had acquired resistance to the antimicrobial aunts examined. although they may have mutual resistance to sonic agents Furthermore. the in vary antimiciobial susceptibility data would provide helpful information for PDD treatment and the development of a selective medium for isolating the organism effectively

  • 出版日期2010-3