
In-2 (-) xGaxO3(ZnO)(m) are reported to exhibit an extremely high field-effect mobility, and therefore considered as the potential channel materials for transparent field-effect transistor. To gain a deep insight into the high mobility of In2 - xGaxO3(ZnO)(m), the effective electron mass, which is inherently related to the mobility of charge carriers as well as the density of states, is investigated by valence electron energy-loss spectroscopy. The effective electron masses in InGaO3(ZnO)(3) nanobelts with the incident electron beam along the c axis and < 1120 > are determined as 0.130 m(0) and 0.132 m(0), respectively. These results critically checked by a comparison with calculated values and values measured by others. It not only well validates the results acquired from theoretical investigations, but also shed a new light on the isotropy of the effective electron mass in InGaO3(ZnO)(m).