A Braided Hetero[2](3)rotaxane

作者:Gao, Chuan; Luan, Zhou-Lin; Zhang, Qi; Rao, Si-Jia; Qu, Da-Hui*; Tian, He
来源:Organic Letters, 2017, 19(14): 3931-3934.


A novel braided hetero[2](3)rotaxane is demonstrated by integrating the braided structure and mechanically interlocked rotaxane, in which a heterotritopic linear tris(dialkylammonium) guest penetrates a heterotritopic tris(crown ether) host, resulting in the formation of braided pseudohetero[2](3)rotaxane with different crossing and threading points. Then a braided hetero[2](3)rotaxane is constructed through the "CuAAC" click reaction.